We are in full swing of the State Fair folks, and I already want to pull my hair out.
Day 3: Favorite Television Program
I think this post hardly needs much thought. There are two tv programs that immediately stick out, and I will watch them over and over again. I think I'm justified in choosing two as well...since one has long since been over.
Yes...that first program being Sex and the City. I feel I hardly need to explain WHY I love this show so much. The humor, the fashion, the city...
I will say that I DO know an embarrassingly large amount of quotes from episodes, and often will say to Tim..."It's like from that 'Sex and the City' episode.
Lame. I know.
The second tv show is one that is currently on the air, and will start it's sixth season this coming fall. Who is excited??? ME!!!
How I Met Your Mother
For the love of everything that is comedy, please please please start watching this show. I started watching it last year in my down time as a part of the Dorm Staff at the State Fair (see how we've now come full circle?), and became hooked ever since. I can't say much here about how awesome it is...because you really do have to watch it.
And if comedy isn't enough to draw you in...then I certainly hope Neil Patrick Harris will do the trick.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 2: Favorite Movie
Today marks the first day of the Great Minnesota Get-Together...the 2010 Minnesota State Fair! I already feel like it should be over because I'm going to be a LOT busier than I originally anticipated, and truth be told...I'm tired of living out of a suitcase. This year I've also decided that it will be a good thing to take some breaks and sleep at home. Last year I did not leave the fair for two whole weeks, and it was such a bad idea. Breaks are good...especially when you are dealing with hundreds of children at a time.
But should you make your way to these hallowed grounds, come find me in the 4-H Building! I'll be here all 12 days of the fair, and unless I'm working at Joe's Crab Shack, you'll be able to see me.
Now onto the Blogger Challenege
Day 2: Favorite Movie
I think I'm going to cop out on this particular post. a) Because it's a lame question and b) Because I honestly cannot thing of a favorite movie.
Those that truly know me, know that I own hundreds of movies, and I have an oddly accurate knowledge base of actors and the movies they've been in. So I don't think I can pick.
I have favorite movies of the moment...favorite movies that I badly want to see in the movie theatre...and favorite movies from long long ago. The point it is...I honestly LOVE movies.
So I will cop out and say that you should definitely go see Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio (probably my favorite actor of all time). I saw it with Timmy last weekend, and even though it was a 9:30 showing, and the movie was two and a half hours long, neither one of us fell asleep. It definitely messes with your head a little bit, but it was so much action, and a new plot that how could you NOT see it? So go see it.
But should you make your way to these hallowed grounds, come find me in the 4-H Building! I'll be here all 12 days of the fair, and unless I'm working at Joe's Crab Shack, you'll be able to see me.
Now onto the Blogger Challenege
Day 2: Favorite Movie
I think I'm going to cop out on this particular post. a) Because it's a lame question and b) Because I honestly cannot thing of a favorite movie.
Those that truly know me, know that I own hundreds of movies, and I have an oddly accurate knowledge base of actors and the movies they've been in. So I don't think I can pick.
I have favorite movies of the moment...favorite movies that I badly want to see in the movie theatre...and favorite movies from long long ago. The point it is...I honestly LOVE movies.
So I will cop out and say that you should definitely go see Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio (probably my favorite actor of all time). I saw it with Timmy last weekend, and even though it was a 9:30 showing, and the movie was two and a half hours long, neither one of us fell asleep. It definitely messes with your head a little bit, but it was so much action, and a new plot that how could you NOT see it? So go see it.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Remembering: All Dogs Go To Heaven
Well friends, I wasn't able to get to my computer since my return to Minnesota so I am finally able to keep up with my promise and getting these thirty blogs out.
But before I do, I must lament on the situation that happened with my family. When I mentioned last time that I needed prayers for my younger brother's recovery, it was because our dog Ikaika had bit him. Normally, this is very uncharacteristic of the dog because he had never bit anyone before. But in the process of calling 9-1-1, the police had to come and take my statement while Vinnie went in the ambulance. And when I got on the plane the next day, I did not know anything that happened back home. When I returned to Minnesota hoping to play with my puppy, he wasn't there.
My mom had to give us the bad news that they had to put Ikaika down after what had happened. It's very quiet at my house, because at the beginning of the summer, we lost our first dog Anela. I'm so upset because the police had only given my parents two choices: either Animal Control takes the dog, or we must put him down ourselves. My parents opted to put the dog down, because they knew the vet would be gentle with our beloved pet and didn't want Animal Control to scare Ikaika.
I'm upset because this situation came completely out of no where, and it ended up taking my family away. I miss him, more than anyone could possibly know.
When I was 12, my mom and I went to the pet store to pick up guinea pig food for the two or three guinea pigs we had at our home. And that's when I met him.
He was the most handsome looking dog I had ever seen, and I went right up to him. I knew he was mine because the instant I went up to the window to say hello, he licked the window right where my hand was on the other side of the glass. The sales lady at the counter knew exactly what she was doing because she went and got the puppy and gave him to me to hold. At that moment, I knew I was not going to leave the pet store without him.
I had never begged for anything in my life, but I begged so hard for this dog. My mom and I literally sat on the floor of the pet store and called up my dad to ask permission. My mom REALLY had to do some convincing because my dad had already said we would have no more dogs. But it was fate from the moment he licked the window. He had chosen to go home with me.
I was in love, his name was Ikaika, and he was mine.

Ikaika "Fruity" Petrulo
October 9th, 1999 - August 10th, 2010
But before I do, I must lament on the situation that happened with my family. When I mentioned last time that I needed prayers for my younger brother's recovery, it was because our dog Ikaika had bit him. Normally, this is very uncharacteristic of the dog because he had never bit anyone before. But in the process of calling 9-1-1, the police had to come and take my statement while Vinnie went in the ambulance. And when I got on the plane the next day, I did not know anything that happened back home. When I returned to Minnesota hoping to play with my puppy, he wasn't there.
My mom had to give us the bad news that they had to put Ikaika down after what had happened. It's very quiet at my house, because at the beginning of the summer, we lost our first dog Anela. I'm so upset because the police had only given my parents two choices: either Animal Control takes the dog, or we must put him down ourselves. My parents opted to put the dog down, because they knew the vet would be gentle with our beloved pet and didn't want Animal Control to scare Ikaika.
I'm upset because this situation came completely out of no where, and it ended up taking my family away. I miss him, more than anyone could possibly know.
When I was 12, my mom and I went to the pet store to pick up guinea pig food for the two or three guinea pigs we had at our home. And that's when I met him.
He was the most handsome looking dog I had ever seen, and I went right up to him. I knew he was mine because the instant I went up to the window to say hello, he licked the window right where my hand was on the other side of the glass. The sales lady at the counter knew exactly what she was doing because she went and got the puppy and gave him to me to hold. At that moment, I knew I was not going to leave the pet store without him.
I had never begged for anything in my life, but I begged so hard for this dog. My mom and I literally sat on the floor of the pet store and called up my dad to ask permission. My mom REALLY had to do some convincing because my dad had already said we would have no more dogs. But it was fate from the moment he licked the window. He had chosen to go home with me.
I was in love, his name was Ikaika, and he was mine.
Ikaika "Fruity" Petrulo
October 9th, 1999 - August 10th, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
30 Day Blogger Challenge: CP Edition
Because CBB is so wise and inspiring, I've stolen this challenge off of her blog (which is, I think the point!) Due to my lack of internet at home, we'll see how frequently I can pull this off, but I LOVE this idea. I haven't had many opportunities to just WRITE, and not being in college for the moment has made me a little antsy...
My wonderful Timmy encouraged me to write him letters while I was on my cruise this past week, and that definitely helped get my creative juices flowing. (I love him. He makes me better.) It also got me to think about writing again, and this is just what I needed. When I was in my ENGW 1101W class way back during freshmen year, I remember them specifically saying that if you truly want to write and be a writer, you must write EVERY DAY. Even when you don't feel like it.
So here goes:
Day 01: Favorite Song
Now, I had to think about this for awhile. I love all kinds of music, and I have never truly answered this question when I was ever asked, "What is your favorite song?" I have never answered this question truthfully, because which song of all the music that I listen to is the favorite? Which song moves me beyond all others? What lyrics describe me? What does the music do? What style of music should I go with?
And so, after much thought, my favorite song is "Into Jesus" by: d.c. Talk
The song is quite old, and I think I first heard it when I was eight years old. However, it has stuck with me and was a part of many life changing experiences. The lyrics are what makes it so relevant, and what sticks out the most:
"Hey you, I'm in to Jesus."
It describes my faith perfectly, and in the most simple of ways. The song is a rock song, has a great melody, and the band takes you on a musical journey. Those are the songs that stay with me.
AND because I wouldn't be me without it...
"I Want It That Way" by: Backstreet Boys
Such a classic. So good.
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
My wonderful Timmy encouraged me to write him letters while I was on my cruise this past week, and that definitely helped get my creative juices flowing. (I love him. He makes me better.) It also got me to think about writing again, and this is just what I needed. When I was in my ENGW 1101W class way back during freshmen year, I remember them specifically saying that if you truly want to write and be a writer, you must write EVERY DAY. Even when you don't feel like it.
So here goes:
Day 01: Favorite Song
Now, I had to think about this for awhile. I love all kinds of music, and I have never truly answered this question when I was ever asked, "What is your favorite song?" I have never answered this question truthfully, because which song of all the music that I listen to is the favorite? Which song moves me beyond all others? What lyrics describe me? What does the music do? What style of music should I go with?
And so, after much thought, my favorite song is "Into Jesus" by: d.c. Talk
The song is quite old, and I think I first heard it when I was eight years old. However, it has stuck with me and was a part of many life changing experiences. The lyrics are what makes it so relevant, and what sticks out the most:
"Hey you, I'm in to Jesus."
It describes my faith perfectly, and in the most simple of ways. The song is a rock song, has a great melody, and the band takes you on a musical journey. Those are the songs that stay with me.
AND because I wouldn't be me without it...
"I Want It That Way" by: Backstreet Boys
Such a classic. So good.
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
New York State Of Mind
I finally made it to New York this summer! I'm sitting here with the Peterson side of the family watching the Mets game (sadly, they don't get the Twins here). I'm sad to see my summer winding down so fast, because before I know it I will be working at the MN State Fair and it will be fall.
I get to go to NYC this week, and am leaving for a cruise on Saturday. My goal is to not gain ten pounds on the cruise like what is to most likely happen to 95% of the passengers.
However, if people could pray for a quick recovery for my younger brother, Vinnie, that would be great. He had to get stiches last night because he was bit by our dog. It was very uncharacteristic of our dog to bite, but they always say to let sleeping dogs lie. It was the scariest situation of my life because he and I were alone in our house by ourselves and I had to make the 911 call. He is fine now and the plastic surgeon and doctor who stiched him up are very optimistic, but being away from my family just makes this situation very hard.
I get to go to NYC this week, and am leaving for a cruise on Saturday. My goal is to not gain ten pounds on the cruise like what is to most likely happen to 95% of the passengers.
However, if people could pray for a quick recovery for my younger brother, Vinnie, that would be great. He had to get stiches last night because he was bit by our dog. It was very uncharacteristic of our dog to bite, but they always say to let sleeping dogs lie. It was the scariest situation of my life because he and I were alone in our house by ourselves and I had to make the 911 call. He is fine now and the plastic surgeon and doctor who stiched him up are very optimistic, but being away from my family just makes this situation very hard.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Few Things
1. It is hotter than I'd like to admit here.
2. I am venturing to Iowa once more this summer? Where did the time go?
3. I applied for a job with the University of Minnesota Office of Admissions as one of their admissions counselors. Thinking about that job opportunity brings back old memories of when I worked in the Visit Office.
Holy cow, I'm old.
If you could please send a happy thought or a prayer my way, that'd be greatly appreciated!
2. I am venturing to Iowa once more this summer? Where did the time go?
3. I applied for a job with the University of Minnesota Office of Admissions as one of their admissions counselors. Thinking about that job opportunity brings back old memories of when I worked in the Visit Office.
Holy cow, I'm old.
If you could please send a happy thought or a prayer my way, that'd be greatly appreciated!
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