Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Blustery Day

Today friends, I sit here in my apartment ready to venture out into the world with a sweater and my uggs..

That's right - it is officially autumn in Minnesota!!

If only there was enough time for me to talk about why this is THE most amazing season of all time, but there isn't so I've compiled a short but very enthralling list:

1. It's football season. No more sweating profusely at baseball friends, it's time to bundle up with just a sweater and a scarf. Maybe some mittens if the timing is right. But it's time to get out there and let your nose run for this great sport!
2. It's sunny yet chilly. Not like spring...where it's still really chilly but the sun tempts you with it's rays. Plus it's all mushy in spring.
3. Harvest. 'Nuff said.
4. Everything's crunchy. Crunchy leaves. Crunchy apples. Crunchy stacks of hay you ride on during those haunted (or not haunted) hay rides. EVERYTHING is crunchy!!
5. The colors. I saw red leaves today folks. Red leaves that were falling.

Oh yes...this is my favorite time of year. If I could find a place to live like this all year round, I will go there with no delay!

In other news, if you haven't EVER watched "How I Met Your Mother"...shame on you. FOR SHAME!! It is definitely fast becoming my favorite sitcom. Thirty minutes of clever banter and humor is all you need on a blustery day when you should be doing your homework...

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