Thanks to some quick thinking on my part, I took off the 4th of July quite awhile ago, and it became the best idea I've had all summer. I work so much lately that I haven't had a real vacation day to just chillax and enjoy what Minnesota does best...
...mosquitoes, lakes, and summer.
Of course, the 4th of July in Forest Lake is no joke, so 10k MMA was in the parade this year and we had a blast with it all. We supplied ourselves with candy, and swag from the U.S. Army, the float itself had guys grappling on mats, and others were hitting pads and sparring alongside the float on the street.
You'll notice that Timothy and I are thoroughly engaged in hitting the pads. Having a discussion or argument about the combo? You decide.
The best part of the day was hands down going to the beach after everything. I've needed a day to sit out in the sun and tan (not that I need it), and SWIM!!! How I've missed Minnesota lakes, 'cuz I always end up finding myself working on the best days of the year.
Thanks to the government shut-down, I won't be able to get a fishing license for awhile, but I can come up with many excuses to get on a lake.
Best day of summer. Guaranteed!
Now it's back to the grind. And apartment hunting! (Which I actually looked at five apartments today!) Time is ticking away, and August 1st is ever looming!
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