Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's a little bit late, but I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving! Remember to give thanks, not just today, but every day.

Friday, November 20, 2009

See How They Resemble One Another, Even In Their Plastic Little Covers

It would seem that November is just music month for me.

Because we all know how I feel about Kina Grannis, and we all know how I feel about Bon Iver, I feel this video needs no explanation.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hello Switchfoot, My Old Friend

I have never been more in love with an entire album since I don't know when. In a world full of singles it's never been worth it to purchase an album by an artist anymore. With the exception of Lady Gaga, who has a cd STACKED with hit after hit, there just hasn't been that pull for me to buy an album.

Until now.

Hello, and meet Hello Hurricane.

After the release of Beautiful Letdown, Switchfoot I'm sorry to say has released two very sub-par albums in Stars and Oh, Gravity. They sort of redeemed themselves with "This Is Home" on the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Soundtrack, but the Switchfoot I knew seemed to be lost.

But not anymore.

This new album makes me so happy I could burst. It is definitely the Switchfoot that I love and remember from New Way To Be Human (which was my all-time favorite of theirs.)

And in the words of one of my favorite songs on this album: it is no accident we're here tonight. We are once in a lifetime.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Heelloo November!!

I was in the grocery store yesterday (more commonly known as Target) when I happened upon the free sample table.

The man offered, I said no at first...he gave me a look, and then I accepted.

Corn Flakes with a touch of Honey!!!

May I just is about TIME that Corn Flakes got some honey on it!! I mean, we have Honey Nut Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, I think Raisin Bran even has some honey variety in their new and exciting boxes of Raisin Bran...but Corn Flakes? The idea is so simply ingenious I wanted to throw a party!

I explained this all to the check out lady and to Luke (who was shaking his head), but I stand by my convictions. They've frosted Corn Flakes before they put honey on it...

Wecome to 2009 Kellogg's.


I also met a bilingual three year old yesterday. I might have been a little jealous, but he told me all about his coloring with his buddy, his trick-or-treating extravaganza and then told his father I went to the hospital?


I love three year olds.